Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Weighting Game

They say that 2 pounds on a dog is equal to something like 45 human pounds. I'm a small human being, so I think this comparison works for my body type. Therefore, although I don't LOOK like I've gained weight, I have. And my pants can attest to this fact.

I've been blaming my weight gain on:
  • Getting older
  • Birth control
  • My pinched nerve
  • Longer work hours

But finally, I had to take a step back and re-evaluate. Yes, my metabolism has slowed down. Yes, I have been abstaining from runnning due to my sciatica. Yes, my birth control SUCKS. But... my addiction to Starbucks caramel macchiatos, my drunk binge eating on Saturday nights, my lack of self control when it comes to all things ice cream MIGHT have something to do with this sudden increase in waist size.


I remember when all of the above and drinking five nights a week wouldn't even make a dent in my toned abs. At my roof deck pool I stare angrily (and forlornly) at the young 20 somethings that have washboard abs. I don't even know where my abs have gone! It's slightly depressing. Especially since this is the first time in my life I feel uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit.

So I have vowed to work out more (even if that means I have to wake up at 5:45am to get to spin class). Eat less. Munch on healthier snacks. And hope that, despite a diminishing metabolism, a pinched nerve, terrible birth control, and decreased self control, I can get back to a semi-bikini body before the summer ends.

1 comment:

  1. If these two posts are any idicaiton of what's to come, I'm excited. She's back, blogspot, she's back.
