Friday, June 19, 2009

My Single Finger

When I was 14, all my friends and I could talk about were boys. Dating boys, kissing boys, holding hands with boys (I was in the "late bloomer" crowd).

When I was 16, all my friends and I could talk about were guys. Dating guys, hooking up with guys, sleeping with guys.

Then I turned 26 and all of a sudden all my friends and I could talk about was marriage. Sure, we still talked about guys - dating them, sleeping with them, hooking up with them; but all of a sudden, marriage was an ever-present topic, hanging over most conversations ominously.

Men began equaling marriage, rather than crazy nights and funny hookup stories. The following sentences peppered, what felt like (and feels like), every conversation:
  • "It's not like we're 25 anymore"
  • "I'm not going to waste my time with a guy I don't see a future with"
  • "I just don't think he's marriage material, so what's the point?"

And trust me, I'm a culprit of this type of talk. I can often be the leader of the conversations. But that doesn't mean I'm not annoying myself.

As much as my ring finger is, well, silently screaming to be dressed up in some bling, I need to put a muzzle on it. Marriage is important, but it's not EVERYTHING. And I"m going to try not to let it dominate my thoughts. Or conversations.

This is my birthday gift to my boyfriend :)

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