Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ISO A Big Belly Laugh

It has been a tough couple of days. Maybe it's the end of summer blues. Maybe it's the stifling heat. Maybe it just... is. I think I might be, what is clinically referred to as, "in a funk." Not a life threatening one. Just a little one. But a funk nonetheless.

So when my colleague mentioned going to see Wanda Sykes, I said SIGN ME UP! I'm in need of one of those stomach clenching, cheeks aching, tears running down my face laughs. I don't care if it causes 80 more wrinkles around my mouth and 55 additional crows feet. I need a Big Belly Laugh.

And while I'm not sure Wanda is exactly what the doctor ordered... she is close enough.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! :( Don't be afraid of laughter though. You can count it as an ab workout!
