Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fading Into Nothingness...

Back in the day, when I was in my young 20's and single, I had stories. A whole lot of them. Stories that involved random acts of hooking up, stories that consisted of dates that would jump out of the bathroom naked and/or stripped for, storise that I tried to piece together the next day as I nursed a hang over.

So you can imagine, back then, this blog would have been a lot more exciting. There would have been drama. There would have been heartache. There would have been many embarrassing moments.

I've been struggling for the past couple of days - after long hours at the office and planning for my upcoming mini-vacation to Rhode Island - on what to write.

Hence my silence.

Getting older has meant... less excitement.

Which is good on one hand. I don't have it in me to stay out until 4am (even on a Saturday night) and juggle a plethora of crazy guys.

On the other hand... my life no longer provides great fodder for party conversations. My only update at the moment is that I've noticed a few more wrinkles around my eyes.

Apparently, my life no longer makes for exciting blog posts either.

For this, I am sorry.

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