Monday, December 28, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

I have never been the girl that dreamed about her wedding day. The proposal on the other hand... I have always tried to imagine how this would happen (even when there was no guy in the picture). I would watch TLC's the Wedding Story and listen intently to Oprah specials about insane wedding proposals. I never fully landed on how my proposal would happen, but I would think about different scenarios:

At a baseball game? NEVER!

In a hotel room, with roses scattered around? Unlikely.

At dinner, the ring floating in champagne? I nixed this because the daydream ended with me choking on said ring.
Maybe in Central Park. Or during a late night walk around the monuments. Or perhaps at the finish line of a race we ran together.
But no matter how it happened, I always thought I would cry. I imagined a tearful, YES! And then more tears.

So what really happened? The abridged version:

Christmas morning. 8:45 a.m., in front of a fireplace full of presents and a silent Miami home. A ring box placed strategically in a cup next to Santa's cookies. Down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" First I said, "What are you doing?!" Then I said, "Are you serious??" And finally I said, "Yes, Yes, Yes!"

And the tears? They weren't there, well not at first. And I realized...

It doesn't matter how much you dream about your engagement day. It will never turn out the way you expected. And that's the best part...

Because no daydream, no matter how wonderful, compares to the magical moment of reality, of actually hearing the words, of finally saying YES out loud.

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