Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Life Rut

I'm in a funk. A rut. Whatever you want to call it. I'm not depressed, I'm not wallowing, I'm just... bored. The routine of everyday life is, well, routine. Wake up. Go to work. Go to the gym. Go home. Make (order in) dinner. Watch TV. Go to bed.


Even writing that made me sleepy.

So I've got to figure out how to spice things up. Because if I don't, I'm going to do something stupid. An idle mind is the devil's playpen, right? Right.

For example, I once contacted a TLC show that reconnects old flames. I asked them to put me in touch with an exboyfriend because I was bored.

For example, I start scouring web sites to see if I can get deals on things like a Kitchenaid Mixer or a set of high end pots. Not that I like to cook, that I even know what I would use the Mixer for, but just because I might one day use those items. Just because I'm bored.

You get the hint.

So any suggestions on how to add a little oomph! to my "lull you to sleep" every day life are welcome.


  1. Make a resolution (it's almost the Jewish New Year anyway) to do/master something you wouldn't normally have done. It should be attainable, but out of the norm. You could learn how to cook and then you'd have a reason for the mixer and pots.

    If that doesn't work, then have a baby! You'll never be bored again....

  2. Thanks, Gia! I'm likely not going to take up cooking (as I think cooking on Sundays is about the most I can muster :) but I am going to take a writing class.

    I'll leave the baby wrangling to you for now :)
